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Clinical Program

Faculty Director: Chris Lemon and Nicole Warren Vision:  Johns Hopkins University (JHU) is one of the most respected clinical entities in the world, and work undertaken to green practice, integrate Planetary Health into medical and nursing education, and create fellowship and training opportunities for residents is of great interest to a global clinical community.   […]


Faculty Director: Jaafar El-Awady and Seydina Fall Vision:   As the Earth crisis precipitates a humanitarian and global health crisis, it becomes clear that rapid structural shifts will be needed across energy and food systems, manufacturing, and the built environment to protect and regenerate the natural life support systems we depend upon. In addition to policies […]


Faculty Director: Alexandra Phelan Vision:  Planetary Health is a field forged in urgency, and to make the most impact, the Johns Hopkins Institute for Planetary Health (JHIPH) will extend its efforts beyond research and education to policy and practice. Around the world, there is interest from the municipal to international scales in developing and implementing […]


Faculty Directors: Megan Latshaw & Hunter Gehlbach Vision:  Our vision is to ensure that students across all divisions understand that the Earth crisis represents an urgent global health and humanitarian crisis. As one of the most respected universities in the world in global health, Johns Hopkins University (JHU) has an opportunity and responsibility to ensure […]


Faculty Director: TBD Vision:  To support several research hubs bringing faculty and trainees together across Johns Hopkins University (JHU) schools and disciplines to characterize and address central topics in Planetary Health. Examples of such topics include:  1) environmental change, food systems and nutrition   2) environmental change and infectious disease epidemiology   3) energy decisions, land use, […]


The mission of JHIPH is to catalyze scholarship and practice of Planetary Health across the University, bring together a cohesive community of practice, and establish Johns Hopkins University (JHU) as a global leader in addressing the global health and humanitarian dimensions of the Earth crisis. Learn more about Planetary Health through this popular video:

Sam Myers

Sam is interested in policy interventions to improve human health while stabilizing Earth’s natural systems. With faculty Director roles at the Planetary Health Alliance and the new Johns Hopkins Institute for Planetary Health, he oversees multi-institutional efforts focused on understanding and quantifying the human health of global environmental change and translating that understanding into action […]