Climate change is already shaping the lives of young people around the globe. How should education respond to climate change as a lived reality rather than a possible future?
Please join the Johns Hopkins University School of Education for the annual Jeffrey A. Grigg Memorial Lecture, featuring Noah Weeth-Feinstein. This year’s lecture is titled: Adaptation, Resilience, and Transformation: How Can Education Contribute to Thriving in a Changing Climate?
In this talk, Noah will explore the practical, moral, and pedagogical reasons why it makes sense to focus on adaptation, resilience, and transformation (ART). He will also discuss the challenges posed by political controversy and examine the resources and support systems that would be needed to involve young people in climate change ART work at scale.
Date and time: Friday, February 28 | 12 – 1:30pm EST
Location: In-person (Johns Hopkins University, Glass Pavilion) or online
All are welcome – register today!