Affiliated Faculty and Program Staff Click to View List of Affiliates
All faculty and staff leading programs, initiatives, or centers in any division across JHU are invited to affiliate themselves with the Institute for Planetary Health. Faculty affiliates will be notified of events, monthly dinner seminars, and special opportunities organized by the Institute. Interested faculty members may contact us or fill out a form to be included.
- Adam Sheingate: Professor, Department of Political Science
- Adler Archer: Biomedical Scientist, Department of Biomedical Engineering
- Agathe Pierot: Sustainability Manager-Climate Action, Office of Sustainability
- Alfredo Harb: Preceptor Faculty, Occupational and Environmental Medicine Residency Program
- Allie Wainer: Program Officer, Center for a Livable Future
- Amanda Daflos: Executive Director, Centers for Public Innovation
- Amii Kress: Associate Research Professor, Department of Epidemiology
- Amita Gupta: Director, Division of Infectious Diseases and Founder/Faculty Co-Chair, Johns Hopkins Gupta-Klinsky India Institute
- Anand Gnanadesikan: Morton K. Blaustein Chair and Professor Department of Population, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Anand Pandian: Professor, Department of Anthropology
- Andrew Thorne-Lyman: Associate Research Professor, Department of International Health
- Anurima Baidya: Research Associate, Department of International Health
- Alexandra Phelan: Associate Professor PAR, Center for Health Security
- Amy Holmes: Executive Director, Center for Government Excellence
- Becky Ramsing: MPH, RDN Center for a Livable Future
- Ben Hobbs: Professor, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering
- Benjamin Huynh: Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering
- Ben Link: Managing Director and Associate Research Scientist, Ralph S O’Connor Sustainable Energy Institute
- Ben Schafer: Professor, Department of Civil and System Engineering
- Ben Zaitchik: Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Beth Romanski: Program Manager/Research Associate II, International Health, Johns Hopkins Gupta-Klinsky India Institute (GKII)
- Brian Schwartz: Professor, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering and Department of Epidemiology
- Brice Ménard: Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Bryan Patenaude: Associate Professor, Department of International Health
- Caren Euster: Faculty, Department of Emergency Medicine
- Carl Latkin: Professor, Health, Behavior, and Society
- Carly Hinton: Sustainability Manager, Bloomberg School of Public Health
- Carsten Prasse: Assistant Professor, Environmental Health & Engineering
- Cecila Tomori: Director of Global Public Health and Community Health and Associate Professor, Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health
- Charles Meneveau: Sardella Professor, Mechanical Engineering, ROSEI, IDIES, CEAFM
- Chao Wang: Associate Professor, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
- Christina Bethell: Professor, Bloomberg School of Public Health and School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University
- Christine Piatko: Principal Research Scientist, Applied Physics Laboratory, Research and Exploratory Development Department
- Christopher Celenza: James B. Knapp Dean, Krieger School of Arts and Sciences
- Christopher Heaney: Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Health Engineering, Department of Epidemiology and Department of Interntational Health
- Christopher Lemon: Assistant Professor, School of Medicine Emergency Medical Clinical Programs
- Christopher Overcash: Program Manager, Environmental Programs, Engineering for Professionals; Adjunct Professor Department of Environmental Health and Engineering
- Christopher Stiles: Chief Scientist, Department of Research and Exploratory Development
- Ciaran Harman: Associate Professor and Russell Craft Faculty Scholar, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering
- Claire Runquist: Senior Sustainability Specialist for Engagement and Community-Building, Office of Sustainability
- Colleen Christmas: Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Geriatric Medicine
- Colin Murphy: Senior Writer, Bloomberg Center for Public Innovation
- Courtland Robinson: Associate Professor, Department of International Health and Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health
- Dan Barnett, MD, MPH: Professor, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering
- Dan Zachary: Director, Energy Policy and Climate Program
- D’Ann Williams: Assistant Research Scientist, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering
- Darriel Harris: Research Associate, Center for a Livable Future
- David Love: Research Professor, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering
- Debi Denny: Assistant Director, Office of Sustainability
- Deborah Schwengel: Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, School of Medicine
- Debra Ravert: Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine
- Dennice Gayme: Professor of Mechanical Engineering
- Don Warne: Provost Fellow and Professor, Indigenous Health Policy and Center for Indigenous Health
- Edmund Nelan: Observatory Scientist, Space Telescope Science Institute
- Ed Schlesinger: Benjamin T. Rome Dean and Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Elizabeth Rigsbee: Associate Director of Alumni Relations, Office of External Affairs
- Elizabeth Ryznar: Part-Time Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Director of Medical Education, Sheppard Pratt
- Elizabeth Selvin: Director, Welch Center for Prevention, Epidemiology and Clinical Research and Professor, Department of Epidemiology, Bloomberg School of Public Health
- Ellen MacKenzie: Dean, Bloomberg School of Public Health
- Elli Leontsini: Associate Scientist, Department of International Health
- Emily Maroni: Sustainability Communications Associate, Office of Climate and Sustainability
- Emma Williams: Sr. Research Associate, Department of International Health, Bloomberg School of Public Health
- Erin Sorrell: Senior Scholar and Associate Professor, Center for Health Security
- Evans Brown: Assistant Professor, School of Medicine Bayview Hospital
- Fadil Santosa: Professor and Head, Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics
- Fenna Sillé: Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering
- Francisca Rojas: Practice Director, Center for Public Innovation
- Gabrielle Robbins: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Medicine, Science, Humanities/History of Medicine
- Gigi Gronvall: Professor EHE and Senior Scholar, Center for Health Security
- Gurumurthy Ramachandran: Professor and Co-Deputy Chair, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering and Director, Education and Research Center for Occupational Safety and Health
- Hahrie Han: Inaugural Director, Stavros Niarchos Foundation Agora Institute and Professor, Department of Political Science
- Hannah Fritz: Research Associate, Department of International Health
- Hannah Tappis: Principal Technical Advisor, Jhpiego
- Heather McKay: Associate Research Professor, Department of Epidemiology
- Hunter Gehlbach: Professor and Faculty Lead, School of Education
- Jaafar El-Awady: Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Jake Strang: Scientific Software Engineer, Applied Physics Laboratory
- James West: Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Jameelah Muwwakkil: Senior Project Specialist, Department of Anesthesiology & Critical Care Medicine, Pediatrics, and Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
- Jamie Madrigano: Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering
- Jario Garcia: Lecturer, Krieger School of Arts and Sciences
- Jason Gray: Lecturer, Immersive Storytelling and Emerging Technology (ISET), Graduate Film Program, Advanced Academic Programs
- Jay Brett: Senior Staff Oceanographer, Applied Physics Laboratory
- Jennifer Gosetti-Ferencei: Professor and William Kurrelmeyer Chair in German, Professor in Philosophy, Department of Modern Language and Literatures
- Jeremy Greene: Professor and Director, Institute of the History of Medicine and Center for Medical Humanities & Social Medicine
- Jerry Burgess: Director of Environmental Science and Studies and Associate Teaching Professor Earth and Planetary Science
- Jessica Schue: Assistant Scientist, Department of International Health
- Jim Steinberg: Dean and Professor, School of Advanced International Studies
- Joe Mankowski: Professor, School of Medicine and Director, Department of Molecular and Comparative Pathobiology
- Johannes Urpelaine: Prince Sultan bin Abdnulaziz Professor of Energy, Resources and Environment and Founding Director, Initiative for Sustainable Energy Policy
- John B. Sampson, M.D.: Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Director of the JHU Global Alliance of Perioperative Professionals
- Joshuaa Allison-Burbank: Assistant Scientist, Department of International Health
- Joshua Dougherty: Faculty Support Coordinator, School of Advanced International Studies
- Joshua Sharfstein: Vice Dean, Public Health Practice and Community Engagement
- Judy Bass: Professor, Department of Mental Health
- Julia Wolfson: Associate Professor, International Health, Human Nutrition Program
- Julian Goresko: Director of Sustainability, Office of Sustainability
- Kaitlyn Harper: Assistant Scientist, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering
- Kaliat (K.T.) Ramesh: Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Kamala Simkhada: Sr. Research Nurse, Pediatric Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, School of Medicine
- Kara Hunersen: Senior Program Officer, Center for Communication Programs
- Karen Alexander: Director of Outreach and Education, Pedersen Brain Science Institute, Neuroscience: International Arts + Mind Lab
- Karen Bassarab: Senior Program Officer, Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable
- Karoline Walter: Research Associate, International Health
- Katalin Szlavecz: Research Professor, EPS
- Kate Schneider: Research Scholar, School of Advanced International Studies
- Kathleen Hetrick: Sustainability Integration Lead , Buro Happold
- Kathryn Wagner Hill: MA in Government Program, AAP/A&S
- Keeve Nachman: Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering
- Keshia Porter: Professor and Bloomberg Centennial Chair, Department of Health Policy and Management
- Klara Annibal: Technical Advisor, JHPIEGO
- Kirsten Gercke: Executive Director, Development & Alumni Relations
- Kristen Koehler: Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering
- Kristin Mmari: Associate Professor, Department of Population, Family, and Reproductive Health
- Krittika Negandhi: Data Analyst, Office of Sustainability
- Lainie Rutkow: Executive Vice Provost, Office of the Provosts
- Lama Elhatow: Lecturer and program coordinator, Environmental Science and Policy, and Energy Policy and Climate departments
- Larry Paxton: Program Manager, Applied Physics Laboratory Space Exploration Sector
- Laura Di Bianco: Assistant Professor of Italian Studies, Modern Languages and Literature
- Lauren Dayton: Associate Research Professor, Health, Behavior and Society
- Leana Houser: Sustainability Manager, Zero Waste, Office of Sustainability
- Ligia Paina: Assistant Professor, Department of International Health
- Lindsay Thompson: Professor, Leadership Ethics
- Linnea Zimmerman: Associate Professor, Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health
- Lisa Beauvois: Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, Family Nurse Practitioner, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Division of Child/Adolescent Psychiatry
- Lisa Folda: Practicum and Alumni Partnership Manager, Department of International Health
- Lisa Poirier: Research Associate, Department of International Health
- Liz Nussbaumer: Project Director, Center for a Livable Future
- Mac McComas: Sr. Program Manager, Department of Sociology
- Mahdi Mehrtash: Assistant Research Professor, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering
- Maria Merritt:Professor, Department of International Health and Berman Institute of Bioethics
- Marie Studer: Executive Director, Institute for Planetary Health
- Marisa Hughes: Assistant Program Manager, Applied Physics Laboratory
- Marly Hernández Cortés: Assistant Program Director and Lecturer, MA in Film and Media Program, Advanced Academic Program
- Marsha Wills-Karp: Chair, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering
- Martin Bloem: Professor, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering and Department of International Health
- Mary A. Fox: Assistant Practice Professor, Health Policy and Management
- Meghan Avolio: Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Meghan Davis: Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Health & Engineering
- Megan Latshaw: Associate Teaching Professor, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering and Krieger School of Arts and Sciences
- Melissa Marx: Associate Professor and Director of PhD Program for Global Disease Epidemiology and Control, Departments of International Health and Epidemiology
- Michael Bader: Associate Professor, Department of Sociology
- Michael Rosenblum: Professor, Department of Biostatistics
- Michelle Spencer: Practice Professor, Department of Health Policy and Management and Deputy Director, Bloomberg American Health Initiative
- Milly Nakatabira: Research Associate, Health Systems, Department of International Health
- Miranda R. Jones: Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology
- Molly Lasater: Associate, Department of International Health
- Natalie Exum: Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering
- Nate Brown: Senior Lecturer, University Writing Program
- Nathalie Folkerts: Chaplain Resident, Spiritual Care Department, Johns Hopkins Hospital
- Naveeda Khan: Professor, Department of Anthropology
- Nick Dalesio: Director, Pediatric Anesthesia Clinical Operations and Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care
- Nicholas Gillon: Assistant Research Scientist, Center for Technology in Education
- Nicolas Loizou: Assistant Professor, Applied Mathematics and Statistics & Mathematical Institute for Data Science (MINDS)
- Nicole Labruto: Assistant Research Professor; Director, Program in Medicine, Science and the Humanities
- Octaviano Merecias: Researcher and Doctoral Candidate, School of Education
- Pamela Berg: Research Associate, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering and Director of Education, Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future
- Pamela Collins: Chair, Department of Mental Health
- Patti Truant Anderson: Senior Program Officer, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering
- Paul Ferraro: Bloomberg Distinguished Professor, Carey School of Business and Department of Environmental Health and Engineering
- Paul Speigel: Professor and Director of the Center for Humanitarian Health
- Peter Winch: Professor, Department of International Health
- Phil McNab: Assistant Scientist, Center for a Livable Future, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering
- Polly Walker, MD, MPH: Senior Fellow, Center for a Livable Future
- Rachel Brashier: Chair of Music Education, Peabody Conservatory
- Rajiv Rimal: Professor, Department of Health, Behavior and Society
- Regina Garcia-Mendez: Assistant Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
- Robert H. Gilman: Professor, Department of International Health and Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
- Roni Neff: Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering and Department of Health Policy and Management
- Rose Weeks: Research Associate II, Department of International Health
- Ruggero Rossi: Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering
- Ryan Kennedy: Associate Professor, Department of Health, Behavior, and Society
- Ryan Hearty: Lecturer, Center for Leadership Education
- Ryan Weeks: Senior Sustainability Specialist, Office of Sustainability
- Saman Karimi: Assistant Research Scientist, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Sam Myers: Founding Director, Planetary Health Alliance and Faculty Director, Institute for Planetary Health
- Sara Johnson: Blanket Fort Foundation Professor in Pediatric Population Health and Health Equity Research, Department of Pediatrics
- Sara Thoi: Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry
- Sarah Preheim: Associate Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering
- Sarah Szanton: Dean, School of Nursing and Patricia M. Davison Professor for Health Equity and Social Justice
- Scot Miller: Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering
- Sean Sun: Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Seth Judson: Clinical Fellow, Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Disease
- Seydina Fall: Senior Lecturer, School of Business
- Shannon Doocy: Professor, Department of International Health and Center for Humanitarian Health
- Shannon Seopaul: Senior Research Associate, Department of International Health
- Shere Abbott: Research Professor, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering
- Shilah Waters: Research Associate, Department of International Health
- Shilva Shrestha: Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering
- Shoumitro Chatterjee: Assistant Professor of International Economics, School of Advanced International Studies
- Sonia Angell: Bloomberg Professor of the Practice of American Health, Department of Epidemiology
- Stuart Chaitkin: Senior Associate, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering
- Sutyajeet Soneja: Associate Scientist, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering
- Tamer Zaki: Professor & Director of Graduate Study, Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Tanvi Gadhia: Sustainability Manager, Department of Sustainability
- Teresa Pfaff: Clinical Coordinator, Public Health Nursing
- Thao D. Nguyen: Professor and Marlin U. Zimmerman, Jr. Faculty Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Tom Inglesby: Director, Center for Health Security and Professor, Department of Environmental and Health Engineering
- Tom Philipott: Senior Research Associate, Center for a Livable Future
- Umesh Korde: Research Professor, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering
- William McCollum: Surveillance Officer, Department of International Health
Yeonsoo Baik: Assistant Scientist, Department of International Health