Faculty Director: Alexandra Phelan


Planetary Health is a field forged in urgency, and to make the most impact, the Johns Hopkins Institute for Planetary Health (JHIPH) will extend its efforts beyond research and education to policy and practice. Around the world, there is interest from the municipal to international scales in developing and implementing transformative Planetary Health policies to reduce humanity’s ecological footprint while optimizing physical and mental health. There is significant work to do in translating research into policy; vetting policy interventions to evaluate their real-world impacts; and curating policy interventions at different scales and across different sectors. To support Planetary Health policy work at Johns Hopkins University (JHU) over time, JHIPH has the potential to: 

  1. Connect to policy makers globally including through Planetary Health Alliance regional hubs, networks of cities, UN agencies, national and regional governments, and COP meetings. 
  1. Support the development of case studies describing successful policy interventions. 
  1. Develop policy briefs. 
  1. Create, with support of Planetary Health Alliance, an international coalition of Planetary Health policy groups and a clearing house of interventions and case studies to which the JHIPH community can contribute. 
  1. Support convenings and symposia in Washington DC focused on policymakers.

Short Separator

View existing global work on Planetary Health policy on the Planetary Health Alliance website.